E431 – Norm & Brad Do a Multimodal Commute

Norm & Brad are commuters with a twist: they cover some ground by car from their faraway homes and then transform into bicycle commuters at the state line!  Brad wondered for years who this person was – and, as it turns out, so did Brock!  Norm is the smartest guy in the room, and involved with Bikes For Humanity. We talk commuting tips, raingear, and innovative solutions to traffic bottlenecks.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA
Sept. 29: Wheels On Fire 100, Tucumcari, NM
Sept 29: DRT Arlington (more info in news)
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

Welcome new donor Paula at Funatake Cycle Craft!! Some of you may remember Paula from Episode 366. Thanks for your support!

From bikearlington.com: What to Expect at Arlington’s First-Ever Disaster Relief Trials

From bikeportland.org: Portland Police deploy canine, air support units to chase down bike thief

Iloveroadcycling.com: The Brand New “Infinity Seat”

A txt from Isaac on planing/not planning

Todd G in DC Loved the Library Episode – shares PubMed Central and “Thank You For Being Late, an optimist’s guide in the age of accelerations.

Daniel P has some advice for the next time we’re in Minneapolis: “If don’t peddle out to Medina Ball Room and Entertainment Center you are just plain podcasting wrong.”

John in Goldendale also recommends Minnesota‘s Largest Candy Store. They do not accept credit cards, bring cash.

Suzy Knutson recommends One on One Bicycle Studio and Angry Catfish Bicycle Shop and Coffee Bar

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake

E430 – Back Porch Session: Wayne Norman & Maria Schur

Listener & donor Wayne Norman dropped by in the midst of a smoky and hot summer evening to spend some time chatting with friend of the show & former guest Maria Schur to trade stories and ideas over some crunchy snacks and cool beverages.  We talk a bit about Maria’s experiences on long gravel rides, Wayne’s plans for trail hiking in the Columbia River Gorge, and updates on Aaron, Brock & Anna’s summers.  Always great to see Wayne when he comes through town!

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan SmithShadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard WezenskyTim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave KnowsChris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic

E429 – Rebroadcast: Jeff Everett & The FBC, Y’all

This content was originally published in November 2014, and it’s so much fun we’re bringing it back! Expect more new studio shows next week!  Happy Labor Day, y’all.

Jeff Everett (the Jeff Everett) is a relatively new Portland resident, but he’s been coordinating bike fun for years.  We talk about his early life in the southern US states, the bicycling scene in St. Louis, Missouri, and his move to Spokane, Washington where he established the long-running FBC, a series of rides at night leading from bar to bar, and through some shenanigans.  Jeff also fearlessly disassembled our sound board before the show to fix an issue, like a champ.

Check out the great short form documentary about Spokane’s FBC, Keep It Simple, on Vimeo.

Also: Brock & Team Sincerity do Cranksgiving, and Aaron goes to see Cold Specks.


BBC, from From Anna in PDX: The psychology of why cyclists enrage car drivers

From Clever Cycles: Who says poetry doesn’t pay?


JohnnyK sends us instructions for using a protractor to determine how steep that hill you’re climbing is.  “add a small level to toptube then hang a short string with a small weight at the end from toptube card for degree.” (conversation on Twitter)

Anna sends us a link to Cycling Without Age.

Ben sends in a record-playing bicycle.

Chris in Arcata sends us a video about a bike trip full of left turns.
[reminds us of what Tom Allen likes about touring]

Phil in AK on why he’s not vegan, but appreciates our considerations on clothing.

The Stickman tells us that Phoenix gets its bike share going ahead of Portland. Starts November 25th care of gridbikes.com

Glenn in YEG did Coffee Outside!

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan SmithShadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard WezenskyTim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave KnowsChris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic

E428 – Seth Knows Type 2 Fun

Note: this episode contains backup audio that captured what our primary equipment failed to.  We apologize for the audio quality, but figure you’d rather hear a lo-fi version than none at all.  Looking forward to bringing you a full quality show next week!

Seth did the Steens Mazama 1000, an endurance racing event.  He knows a thing or two about “type 2 fun,” the kind of fun where you tell stories afterward because it was no fun when it happened!  What happened: on the show.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept 13: Dr. Something’s “Beaverton TC” single release party (transit themed EP in the works)
Sept. 20 Street Books Fall Celebration
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA
Sept. 29: Wheels On Fire 100, Tucumcari, NM
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

UPCOMING Filmed By Bike TOUR DATES: (note: many changes and additions)
Snoqualmie, WA – August 24 & 25
Eugene, OR – August 31
Chicago, IL – September 14
Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic

E427 – Joan, The Librarian

Joan The Librarian has been on our show before to discuss bicycling in Portland, but we wanted to bring her back to talk about her day job working at a library!  How does it work?  What does a librarian do?  What are some myths?  And what book best represents your bicycle?  (We’re NOT naming it!)

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

August 7th National Night Out
August 11: Swift Summit NW come talk with the sprocket on assignment
August 15: E-Scoot P-town Throwdown
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept 13: Dr. Something’s “Beaverton TC” single release party (transit themed EP in the works)
Sept. 20 Street Books Fall Celebration
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA
Sept. 29: Wheels On Fire 100, Tucumcari, NM
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

UPCOMING Filmed By Bike TOUR DATES: (note: many changes and additions)
Snoqualmie, WA – August 24 & 25
Eugene, OR – August 31
Chicago, IL – September 14
Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

OPB’s Think Out Loud gets in on the scooter talk with Cory Poole calling in

Paul L in Corvalis on aaron’s pic of donuts in a Carradice bag

Phil B in AK has joined our not-so-official Strava group

Isaac in NM sent us some audio

Mr. T in MT: I have ridden past this place outside Helena for a year or two.  It always makes me think of Aaron and his “Lionheart” kombucha.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan SmithShadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard WezenskyTim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave KnowsChris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Isaac, Lillian Karabaic

E426 – Tim Mooney X

Tim Mooney, host of bicycle touring podcast The Pedalshift Project returns to the studio for the tenth time to talk about a variety of topics, including Paris & France, flying with your bike, e-scooters, getting your bike fixed, and his latest Oregon coast bicycle tour!  We keep having him back because he’s so much fun!  This episode also features all three podcast hosts!

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

August 7th National Night Out
August 11: Swift Summit NW come talk with the sprocket on assignment
August 15: E-Scoot P-town Throwdown
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept 13: Dr. Something’s “Beaverton TC” single release party (transit themed EP in the works)
Sept. 20 Street Books Fall Celebration
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA
Sept. 29: Wheels On Fire 100, Tucumcari, NM
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

UPCOMING Filmed By Bike TOUR DATES: (note: many changes and additions)
Snoqualmie, WA – August 24 & 25
Eugene, OR – August 31
Chicago, IL – September 14
Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

OPB’s Think Out Loud gets in on the scooter talk with Cory Poole calling in

Paul L in Corvalis on aaron’s pic of donuts in a Carradice bag

Phil B in AK has joined our not-so-official Strava group

Isaac in NM sent us some audio

Mr. T in MT: I have ridden past this place outside Helena for a year or two.  It always makes me think of Aaron and his “Lionheart” kombucha.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan SmithShadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard WezenskyTim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave KnowsChris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall

E425 – Resiliency By Bike with Mike Cobb

This week, Mike Cobb tells us about his departure from an ordinary bike mechanic’s life into a quest to design and outfit a bike that can respond to crisis situations.  How do you mount a windmill to a bike? And why? Well, when the grid goes down, you know who to call. Mike details his outrageous cycle tour through the American southwest and what he terms “radical disassembly” to make a cargo bike fit into a prescribed box for shipping.  Among other things!

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

Also, Bicycle/Race, Adonia Lugo’s “…unforgettable picture of Los Angeles—and the United States—from the perspective of two wheels.” is available from Microcosm Publishing and wherever you get your books.

Hey, did you know that our friends at Path Less Pedaled have a podcast? Check it out!

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

August 7th National Night Out
August 11: Swift Summit NW come talk with the sprocket on assignment
August 15: E-Scoot P-town Throwdown
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept 13: Dr. Something’s “Beaverton TC” single release party (transit themed EP in the works)
Sept. 20 Street Books Fall Celebration
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA
Sept. 29: Wheels On Fire 100, Tucumcari, NM
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

UPCOMING Filmed By Bike TOUR DATES: (note: many changes and additions)
Snoqualmie, WA – August 24 & 25
Eugene, OR – August 31
Chicago, IL – September 14
Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

OPB’s Think Out Loud gets in on the scooter talk with Cory Poole calling in

Paul L in Corvalis on aaron’s pic of donuts in a Carradice bag

Phil B in AK has joined our not-so-official Strava group

Isaac in NM sent us some audio

Mr. T in MT: I have ridden past this place outside Helena for a year or two.  It always makes me think of Aaron and his “Lionheart” kombucha.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall

E424 – Nora & Jeff Fall In Love

Today, a bike “meet-cute” and two bicyclists falling in love.  Nora & Jeff met each other riding bicycles around town, and we were so inspired that we asked them to come into the studio to tell some of their story.  Stay open to possibility; this kind of love could happen to you, too, if it hasn’t already!

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

Also, Bicycle/Race, Adonia Lugo’s “…unforgettable picture of Los Angeles—and the United States—from the perspective of two wheels.” is available from Microcosm Publishing and wherever you get your books.

Hey, did you know that our friends at Path Less Pedaled have a podcast? Check it out!

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

August 7th National Night Out
August 15: E-Scoot P-town Throwdown
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

UPCOMING Filmed By Bike TOUR DATES: (note: many changes and additions)
Snoqualmie, WA – August 24 & 25
Eugene, OR – August 31
Chicago, IL – September 14
Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18


From bicycling.com via Marshall in SC: Cyclist Rigs Road Bike, Rides on Water to Clean Up Polluted River

From Greg B. in Santa Cruz: “I thought I’d send the link to the tour journal for my most recent bike trip…If you’re looking for some light reading. It was a blast!

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Doug Robertson, Ethan Georgi, Justin Martin, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Christi Caister, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Jon Wasserman, Andre Johnson, Josh Zisson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Mr. T, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall

E423 Skoots, Skates & Those Who Hate with Cory Poole

Cory Poole is back after far too long. Who’s Cory? You mean that guy on the FEMA website?  Nah, we’re talking to Portland’s foremost skateboard transportation advocate about getting around town and what’s new in the arena of skating around town!  Why hate on something that’s so much fun?

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

Also, Bicycle/Race, Adonia Lugo’s “…unforgettable picture of Los Angeles—and the United States—from the perspective of two wheels.” is available from Microcosm Publishing and wherever you get your books.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
July 22: Sunday Parkways DOWNTOWN!
August 7th National Night Out
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA

Albany, NY – July 22, 2018
Seattle, WA, Vancouver, WA – TBD
Arcata, CA – November, 2018
Bendigo, Australia – October, 2018

From CNNtech.com via bikeportland.org: Uber’s e-bikes are cannibalizing rides from Uber’s cars

From boltbusentertainment.com: BoltBus Entertainment – now streaming and FREE!

From supporter Todd G. in DC on saddle height adjustments

Mac-Nurse David has a story about riding while pregnant.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Doug Robertson, Ethan Georgi, Justin Martin, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Christi Caister, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Jon Wasserman, Andre Johnson, Josh Zisson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Mr. T, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall