Category Archives: Touring

E099 – Chris Sanderson: Builder By Bike (with Joshua DeParrie)

Chris Sanderson is the proprietor of Builder By Bike, a full service construction business operated out of a bicycle trailer.  We discuss this gargantuan feat with him and bring former guest Joshua DeParrie of Plumbing By Bike in to comment on the details of heavy duty work on two (or more) human-powered wheels.

Joshua DeParrie’s sexy bike commercial can be seen here.

Also, The Sprocket Podcast continues its Indiegogo fundraising campaign to underwrite the next season of the show during a year with thin budgets.  We will be offering many personalized rewards to our backers!  Thanks to our donor Bill this week, and we look forward to an exciting year ahead.  See the details here!

BikePortland: Spinlister makes peer-to-peer bike sharing a reality in many cities
BikePortland: builder Tom LaBonty introduces the Hydrofiets to Portland
Bicycle Touring Pro: Darren Alff gets more than he bargained for on Romanian roads

Aaron “The Professor” LaVanchy from Fort Collins gives the Sprocket some love with a strategic sticker placement: on the Bixby Bridge in Big Sur.  We’ll be talking to him again later this fall!

And Jeremy from Critical Transit calls in about civility on the roads.

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E098 – Tammy Strobel & Logan Smith: Rural Happiness

Tammy Strobel, author of You Can Buy Happiness (And It’s Cheap) and editor of the blog, and Logan Smith join us to speak about the book’s release, downsizing and simplicity, and living without a motor vehicle in rural northern California.

Also, The Sprocket Podcast continues its Indiegogo fundraising campaign to underwrite the next season of the show during a year with thin budgets.  We will be offering many personalized rewards to our backers!  Thanks to this week’s donors: Alison (fly on the wall), Bill (no perk, just $50 generous!).  See the details here!

Dan in MN says: “I will miss Mr. Roads [sic] four letter wording. :)”

From Deanna:
“I am planning a Fixie World Tour-Riding a fixed geared bicycle over 30,000 miles, 6 continents, and taking under 2 years to create a documentary and photo book. Check out my kickstarter page!
also the blog:”

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E095 – Shawn Granton: Urban Adventure League

Shawn Granton is the author of many independent, self-illustrated print publications and the blog Urban Adventure League.  A self-proclaimed retro-grouch and avid bicycle tourist, he enjoys leading Cycle Wild trips and taking his own independent tours as well.  He prefers a slower approach to technology and communication both on and off the bike.

Also, The Sprocket Podcast continues its Indiegogo fundraising campaign to underwrite the next season of the show during a year with thin budgets.  We will be offering many personalized rewards to our backers!  Thanks to this week’s donors: Anonymous, Steve,Tim, Michael, Blayne, and Lily.  See the details here!

Finally, stay tuned at the end of the show for an important announcement from Brandon Rhodes.

BikePortland: USA Today declares “bikes rule the road” in Portland, OR
BikePortland: Builder by Bike, Chris Sanderson, is looking to hire a second handyman
Calgary Herald via BikePortland: Does yelling at cyclists make streets safer?

Dean comments on E87: “Great relaxed, interesting and informative Podcast. A serious issue without too much seriousness!”

Esther says of our pedestrian advice: “Timo and I were listening and he said nope- you walk at a *brisk* pace, not a normal pace – according to Ellen Vanderslice, the original radical pedestrian.”

Dan in MN says of E92: “Very good story, I cannot wait to go on a long bicycle tour.”

Jeff discovered us and can’t stop listening!

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E094 – Brandon and Candice Do Washington

Brandon & Candice took a multi-modal tour around Washington state’s Olympic Peninsula this summer; they share some stories about the journey.  We watch the TARC Bus Bike Rack Rap.

Also, The Sprocket Podcast launches its Indiegogo fundraising campaign to underwrite the next season of the show during a year with thin budgets.  We will be offering many personalized rewards to our backers!  See the details here!

Treehugger: ETSY employees haul 600lbs of compostables each month by bike
BikePortland: thoughts on getting a “free ride.”
Sightline via Logan: Northwest gasoline consumption makes a modest decline
NPR via Dayn: Copenhagen builds highways for people on bicycles
The Atlantic Cities: Is London Serious About Building a Network of Elevated Bike Lanes?

We get a generous donation from George in Washington DC.  Thanks George!

Rance compares Brandon’s banana bike discovery to the first bicycles, or “dandy horses.”
“The only difference is that you hang in the new one and sit on the old one. Take a look and see.” (timepoint 4:38)

Chris in Arcata comments on the red shoulder in E92’s picture – it’s of Brock and Adele riding in Frisco CO.

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E093 – Brock on KRFC Fort Collins

This week we feature the content from Fort Collins, Colorado’s KRFC program “Bikes & Beer” on which Brock was a guest while traveling through town on his summer tour.  Host Zach Yendra (proprietor of Yendra Built, a custom fabrication business) invited Brock and several other bicycle tourists to join him in the studio to talk about bicycle travel.  Also featured was Molly North, Fort Collins’ city bicycle program coordinator.

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E092 – Oregon to Colorado

Brock & Adele recap their trip over the summer from Oregon to Colorado by bicycle! Matt Picio joins Brandon as co-host.

Tour de Clack is a smashing success Bicyclists can now get insurance Marilyn Hayward of Coventry Cycle Works injured; on the mend Brandon finds the silliest bike ever made on YouTube 

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E091 – Jeremy Mendelson: Critical Transit

I spoke with listener Jeremy Mendelson of Critical Transit in June about his experiences working as an east coast transit planner and his new career as a pedicab operator in New York City.

Bike Safe Portland wallet-sized accident reports are available now in Portland bicycle shops near you!  Thanks to Josh Zisson from Bike Safe Boston and the Bike Safe Nation project.

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E088 – Tom Allen (with Ben Allen): Janapar

I had the pleasure of meeting the man behind the independent film project JanaparTom Allen and his brother Ben Allen on a sunny day near the waterfront in downtown Portland, Oregon.  We discussed his travels, the upcoming film release, and his current journey through the US Pacific coast with his brother.  Adele Dittus makes an appearance as a second interviewer towards the end of the episode after disappointingly long lines made donut acquisition impossible.

Watch the trailer and follow the film’s release at!

Bike Safe Portland wallet-sized accident reports are available now in Portland bicycle shops near you!  Thanks to Josh Zisson from Bike Safe Boston and the Bike Safe Nation project.

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E087 – d’Arcy Lunn: Global Poverty Project

d’Arcy Lunn of the Global Poverty Project and the Live Below the Line challenge attempted a bicycle tour through the Pacific Northwest while living on the astounding figure of $1.50 USD per day.  At the end of this trip he dropped into our studio to chat about his experience and his ongoing work to bring awareness around poverty issues worldwide.

His presentation hosted by Google on May 10, 2012 can be viewed here.

Bike Safe Portland wallet-sized accident reports are available now in Portland bicycle shops near you!  Thanks to Josh Zisson from Bike Safe Boston and the Bike Safe Nation project.

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E085 – Lane Kagay: CETMAcargo

Lane Kagay is the man behind CETMAcargo & CETMAracks out of Eugene, Oregon.  We spoke with him on the phone about his company and its history, Eugene as a cycling town, bike messenger experience and touring with a cargo bike.

Bike Safe Portland wallet-sized accident reports are available now in Portland bicycle shops near you!  Thanks to Josh Zisson from Bike Safe Boston and the Bike Safe Nation project.

Fine Print
email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)