E440 – Portland Street Medicine

Portland Street Medicine is in the house! We take a moment to catch up with a new (to Portland) method of preventative care for Portlands most vulnerable population, and how it brings together bikes, caregivers, and those in need. Also a special co-host appearance by Tom McTighe while Aaron is away!

Check out Portland Street Medicine here.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
November 22: PDX Thanksgiving Dead Streets Ride
Nov. 27: Bike to Winter Woderland “Bike the Lights”
Nov. 29: Brompton Storytime (Minneapolis)
Dec. 2: Reed Ravine Ramble
Dec. 9: Kimmy Cross! (hosted by the Beer Mongers)
Dec.15 and16 Bike Craft
Jan. 8: Bowie Birthday Ride

Hood River, OR – December 7
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 17
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Arcata, CA – March 15

From adventure-journal.com via Tim Mooney “Ever have these folks on?”
Meet the Club Bringing Bike Adventures to Women of Color + LGBTQ Community
Aaron’s note: we’ve tried but had scheduling conflicts, and I’m not above using this public forum as a way to beg them to come on the show.

Also from Tim Mooney: Bird Says New Scooter Regulations Make It ‘Impossible’ To Serve D.C.
Aaron’s note: while this only affects Washington DC, expect similar anti-scooter legislation to come through other scooter-served cities like PDX

Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler) sent tweet –
Bike errand tip: roll up a couple of reusable shopping bags and shove them in a bottle cage. Need to stop at the store, but don’t have your panniers with you? No problem! Plop them on your porteur rack, bungee ’em to the back rack, or just sling ’em over a shoulder.

Use a spare bottle cage as a bag holder

Tim C. via facebook comments on E439
“That was a great show. Had me in tears. What a guest.”

Richard Wezensky re: ep. 438
Bike snob = Eben Weiss
Kickstands = Awesome

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E439 – Lightning In A Saddle (by Joe Kurmaskie)

Joe “The Metal Cowboy” Kurmaskie has a new book coming out: Lightning In A Saddle, an incredible true story of Evelyn Hamilton.  BikePortland refers to it asthe untold, unbelievable but true story of cycling’s female Jackie Robinson meets Saving Private Ryan.”  We check in with Joe for his 5th visit to our show and get the scoop.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Nov. 19: Oct 29th’s P-town Scooter Throwdown
November 22: PDX Thanksgiving Dead Streets Ride
Nov. 27: Bike to Winter Woderland “Bike the Lights”
Nov. 29: Brompton Storytime (Minneapolis)
Dec. 2: Reed Ravine Ramble
Dec.15 and16 Bike Craft
Jan. 8: Bowie Birthday Ride

Hood River, OR – December 7
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 17
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Arcata, CA – March 15

Tim Mooney wants your voice on his show! Help others learn as you learn about your first bicycle tour!  pedalshift.net

From bikeportland.org: Tired of leaves in bike lanes, this Portlander made a pedal-powered sweeper

From Anna in MSP (actually Dallas at the time of recording) re: our “dead” wifi router

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E438 – Talking Shop, History, and Low-Car Life

Portland’s Union Station (photo credit: Amtrak.com)

Aaron & Guthrie take a show to catch up with each other about maintenance, history, and how much car should be in your life.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival
Nov. 19: Oct 29th’s P-town Scooter Throwdown
Dec. 2: Reed Ravine Ramble
Dec.15 and16 Bike Craft

Hood River, OR – December 7
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 17
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27

Hey you in PDX, have you heard of Woke Coffee?

From outsideonline.com via listener Josh G.: Make Driving Dangerous Again

From bikeportland.org: A donated bike fleet will help Portland Street Medicine expand their reach

From cyclingtips.com via bikeportland: Commentary: Why I stopped wearing a bike helmet

From PBJ Matt: “I am now decidedly pro-kickstand.”

Brock sent us a pic of a possibly controversial beer

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E438x – Anniversary of Montana’s Statehood

One year ago, Aaron turned a year older and a few friends gathered at the studio after a recording to celebrate the anniversary of Montana’s statehood.  Aaron has a special connection to that day, and we wanted to mark the occasion.  Present were Aaron & Anna, Guthrie, Armando, Brock & Adele, and we’re sharing a minimally edited version of a live mic in the room with all of their permission.  You get to be a fly on the wall for this celebration.

New studio show coming later this week.  Enjoys!

E437 – Riding In The Rain with Armando

photo credit: @dudeluna

We return this week to a perennial topic, popular because it is pervasive: riding in the rain.  This edition, Armando brings the bike love and a pizza to the discussion about wet, gear, and drying out.  Also Aaron takes a field trip to a pumpkin patch and Guthrie tries out apple cider donuts.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Oct 29: P-town Scooter Throwdown
Nov 6: Feminist Bike Book Celebration
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival
Dec.15 and16 Bike Craft

Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

From nbcwashington.com: DC Considering ‘No Right Turn on Red’ Rules to Boost Street Safety

From Streetsblog.org: Study: Uber and Lyft are Increasing Traffic Deaths

From bikeportland.org: PBOT: 18 ‘High Crash’ streets will get updates next year

From Chris R in CO: bike politics

Re: Todd Groesbeck: Thank you for being late – Optimists guide in age of accelerations.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E436 – JP & Eric Do a Multi-Modal Canoe-Swingbike Adventure

JP and Eric, the Kings of Swing [bike], go canoeing, swingbiking, and bladepacking, and live to tell about it.  We get the scoop on how to take on nature’s greatest force using the minimal set of tools, and have a beer at some of the area’s best breweries like Walking Man, Amnesia & Thunder Island.  Also, who knew there was once a bookstore in Stevenson, WA that had beer on tap?

Also: Portland Roller Hockey

And a special shout-out this week to Jason Aufdenberg. You know why, Jason.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

Good friend and legend Joe Kurmaskie was guest on The Adventure Sports Podcast (Episode 431)

From The Oregonian: Oregon eyes $1 billion plan to add passenger trains between Portland and Eugene

From bike retailer.com: Can cargo bikes help in a disaster? Emergency managers want to find out

PDX Podfest looking for volunteers – pdxpodfestival@gmail.com

Also from The Oregonian: 18 projects portland says would speed transit, boost bike ridership

Richard Wezensky comments on E432: “Seat Post. Seat Tube.”

John from Goldendale send us a PSA in French

Marshall comments on a deep cut E291: Aaron gets sweeter, Brock gets paternal, Guthrie keeps on getting better!  And Hurtbird’s “I Like My Bike” video.

Tim Mooney Says: “Love that you’re re-podding the back episodes that are out of the feed! “

The latest from Phil in Alaska: “We’re so nonchalnat about bears in Alaska that we don’t even avoid driving through their poo.”

From Dale Freeman (no relation) re: Episode #434 – “…the highlight was the jackassery that started with the headlines through the end!

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E435 – E204 REBROADCAST Anna Olsen & Justin Miles: We’re New Here

Our most significant podcast ever!  This content was originally published in October 2014, and it’s so much fun we’re bringing it back! Listen to the flirtation happening between Aaron & Anna when they were still passing notes in the podcasting studio. We’ll be back in a week with another new studio show featuring Aaron & Guthrie.

Anna Olsen used to be a podcast listener from Oklahoma. Now, she’s a guest!  I guess she’ll never have to listen again.  We’re glad to welcome her to Portland after an education at United Bicycle Institute where she learned to be a bicycle mechanic.  Her coworker Justin Miles joins us as well.

Also: Drew lends the rain cape! Brock gives it a first go; the Transportastic studio opener is on 10/25 6:30pm at IPRC! Aaron’s still on drugs, and does a very frugal thing followed by a rather infrugal thing.


Chris in Chico sends a link to a creative Latvian demonstration of how much traffic cycling can reduce.

Chris is also a new monthly donor! So is Dan G.!

Kurt, whom Brock met in Copperfield on the OR/ID border, sends in pictures of his full suspension mountain bike.

JohnnyK is freaked out by clowns, maybe because of scooby doo’s ghost clown episode.

Ethan G asks how to best tell meddling, uninvited advisors to your bicycling style to “piss off.”

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan SmithShadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard WezenskyTim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave KnowsChris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian KarabaicPaula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E434 – Darius from Omni: Sharing Stuff

Darius is working with a new way to share your things, and keep them too! Omni started as a storage option for people’s extra stuff, but now is also working to find people who want to rent the objects you think are cool, but don’t use all the time; they’re described as “an on-demand access company for things you don’t use every day, but can’t live without” That margarita mixer & those snowboarding pants just sit unused most of the time, why not put them to work earning money for you and making someone else’s life more interesting, while retaining access whenever you need them?  “Rent what you want now, store what you’ll want later.”  Omni just launched in Portland; Darius breaks it down for us.

Also, Aaron celebrates an anniversary & Brock rents a car.  After the regular segments Brock laments the end of his regular cohosting duties & they both bag on Dave Matthews.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.


2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
October 12th – Gladys Bikes’ 5th Anniversary!
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

from Josh G. “how many liters are you running?”
From #thesupplelife blog

From Paula at Funatake Cyclecraft: “Here’s a group shot of the infamous Klickitat trail ride.”

From Chris in Colorado:

From Ranger Tom “cop stuff:” “No cop wants to be the one that gets a call from the prosecutor’s office asking “You wrote this guy a ticket for what?!””  

Ranger Tom also gave us an audio postcard!

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E433 – All Together Now

The band’s back together again!  Brock drops into the studio to explain why he’s not returning to cohosting after all (it’s good news), parenting, and bicycle safety for infants, and Aaron & Guthrie catch up on their most recent adventures.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

October 12th – Gladys Bikes’ 5th Anniversary!
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

New Donor!! Spartan Dale (no relation):
“I started with episode 133 and am up to 414. I loved the show with Aaron and Brock and have found Guthrie to be a great addition… as a Mexican kid growing up in rural Michigan …attending MSU, I immediately identified with Aaron, but the cast of characters in Portland has really made me want to visit, find the Beermongers -now what’s their address again? And ride to Battleground or to the Cascade Locks. Thanks for all you to do support cycling culture!”

There’s a new Podcast in town… er… on the internet: The Bike Karma Bicycle Podcast

From Bikeportland: State reopens fire-damaged section of Historic Columbia River Highway (yay!)

Alex L responds to Aaron’s mischief bike: “Is that a bmx with a b17 and moustache bars??”

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E432 – Dr. Something & The T.C. EP

Portland musician Dr. Something has made appearances on our podcast feed before, but we’ve never had the pleasure of her joining us for a conversation in the studio before.  We chat about music and transit, and her upcoming transit center themed project.  Find Dr. Something’s music on Bandcamp!

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Sept. 29: Wheels On Fire 100, Tucumcari, NM
Sept 29: DRT Arlington (more info in news)
Nov 9 & 10: Portland Podcast Festival

Hood River, OR – October 30
Akron, OH – November 4
Arcata, CA – November 15
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 30
Boise, ID – January 18

(links forthcoming)


Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan SmithShadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard WezenskyTim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave KnowsChris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian KarabaicPaula Funatake