E449 – Andrew & Patty

Andrew Shaw-Kitch and Patty Otero drop into the studio and explain how they plan to bicycle from California to New York during the winter.  Is this tempting of fate, or a fabulous adventure in the making?  It sounds like a lot of fun since we don’t usually get to talk about bicycle touring that much in the winter ourselves.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Feb. 1 Kidical Mass Planning Meeting
Feb. 16 Slough Country Ramble
March 9 Dead Freeways Ride

CALL FOR ENTRIES! Submit your film by January 20 to be part of the collection
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Hood River, OR – February 12
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4

Speaking of Tour Dates, Miles of Portraits are touring REIs on the East Coast, we already missed a bunch, but here’s what’s upcoming:
Jan 24 Washington, D.C.
Jan 29 New York, NY
Jan 31 Paramus, NJ

From Brock: Lumberjack’s new album is out!

From bikeportland.org: PBOT: Better Naito will return three months early this yearPBOT: Better Naito will return three months early this year


Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw

E448 – Chris Talks Bike Parking

Chris Smith rejoins the podcast to discuss new developments in Portland’s bike parking regulation.

– web site for code update: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/70439
– direct link to PDF of code update: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/article/706614
– link to provide online testimony via map app: https://www.portlandmaps.com/bps/mapapp/proposals/#/bpc

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

CALL FOR ENTRIES! Submit your film by January 20 to be part of the collection
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Hood River, OR – February 12
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4

DC Metro now allows bicycles on trains during rush hour

From pathless pedaled – why we decided to stop traveling endlessly

Tim Mooney: Local business asserts pressure, claiming its parking is more important than bike lanes. Sounds like Portland, amirite ⁦‪@SprocketPodcast‬⁩? twitter.com/ggwash/status/…

Scoot scoot news from Brock – Scooters are now allowed in bike lanes and on the street in #Denver. You can only use them on sidewalks if street speed limits exceed 30 mph and no bike lane exists. ow.ly/PTap30neLZX via twitter user Mary Beth Susman

Noah S. is visiting Portland!
-trip to Beer Mongers
– is there a best day fo the week for a visit?
-rent a Brompton for a day -clever cycles for this?
-Multnomah Falls
-Cannon Beach/Goonies
-PDX coffee outside
-go on one of the fun social rides you guys regularly mention

Miele (my el). sends Phillip first ride photos in forest park – go phillip! 11/21/18

Keith from Indianapolis – the 19th is Indiana!

Guthrie’s wrong on 9th! Via Josh G
From PBOT – continuing to meet neighbors/community, co-hosting focus groups, working with safe routes to identify safetey needs, appreciate ongoing participation. portlandoregon.gov/transportation/L2W

Hard Bike Life in Japan via Paul
BROCK’s suggestions:
– long rides
– cool destinations
– bikey people groups, they’ve got to exist!

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw

E447 – Siblings By Bike

Mielle & Phillip join us after Cranksgiving to share their experiences as a sister doing something good for her brother.  She pointed the way and he took on a new mode of exercise & transport – and now they’re preparing to do an exciting ride in eastern Oregon!

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Jan. 8: Bowie Birthday Ride

CALL FOR ENTRIES! Submit your film by January 20 to be part of the collection
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Hood River, OR – February 12
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4


From cycling.today via Brock Dittus: Cyclists are Attached to their Bikes, study says

From cleantechnica.com via Josh G.: Cyclists Exposed To Less Air Pollution Than Drivers, Study Finds

Also from Brock Dittus: The Miracle of Minneapolis

An Ask from Brad of Nomad Cycles

From Paul in Tokyo via Tim at Pedalshift

Chris R sends us more media: http://motherloadmovie.com/welcome#trailer-section

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw

E446b – “This Girl Is Badass” movie commentary

The tradition of the holiday movie commentary is back! Aaron & Guthrie are joined by former show guests Joan & Josh G to watch the 2011 film “This Girl Is Badass,” an action-packed adventure of a bicycle messenger getting involved with dangerous people. This audio is meant to accompany your personal screening of the film! Aaron gives a countdown to help sync the start of your movie. Cheers and happy new year!

E446 – REBROADCAST E201 Tom McTighe

this episode is a rebroadcast of our friend Tom McTighe’s first appearance on the show in 2014!
Hope you enjoy – next week we will bring you another seasonal classic.
Aaron & Guthrie return to the studio in the new year.

Tom McTighe plans and runs events for Puddlecycle, including the charity-minded Portland Cranksgiving coming again this fall.

Alsoe200 live show! I swear this is the last we’ll talk about it, but Aaron Parecki made a sweet video.  Brock yells at brunch-going auto drivers, and Aaron hurts his back.

WKYT: Jessamine County, KY cyclist arrested
philly.com: Biking & bonding recent Bicycle Coalition report – more niche rides have popped up.

new Patreon donors Jim, Doug & Todd, thanks!

Tim Mooney adds a few details on shipping your bike by boat & Amtrak Express.

Milestone Rides: “I’m hoping to go zoobombing at least once in my life. Heard about it on@SprocketPodcast.” buff.ly/1u0c8yc

James sent us a picture of his mailbox. (And his new bike project)

Todd the Truck Driver draws the distinction between hunters & farmers.

The Stickman: “this is called me taking the space back from automobiles :)”

Dan in MN:

“Great show E200 I’m bicycle camping drinking a beer listening to E200. Again.”

Fine Print
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan SmithShadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Roger Grigsby, Wayne Norman, Doug Robertson, Ethan Georgi, Justin Martin, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard WezenskyTim MooneyOrange & PurpleGlenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Jim Goodin, Eric Weisz, Doug CohenMiller, Todd Parker

E445 – REBROADCAST E140 Tim Mooney: Pedalshift

this episode is a rebroadcast of our friend Tim Mooney’s first appearance on the show in 2013!
Hope you enjoy – next week we will bring you another seasonal classic.
Aaron & Guthrie return to the studio in the new year.

Tim Mooney is working on a concept we like: how can you have a “grown-up job” and still pursue bicycle travel?  While he hasn’t found the magic solution yet, he created Pedalshift to begin the conversation among those of us who are interested.  We also discuss Portland’s changes over time, the World Domination Summit, and Tim’s bicycle tour down the West Coast.

Also referenced is Brock’s bicycle tour journal from 2012:
Brock & Adele Go Bicycling

Tim is also a podcast producer for Kimberly Wilson’s Tranquility Du Jourblogger, twitterer, and, of course, a loyal Sprocket Podcast listener.

Fine Print
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E444 The Tim Mooney Show!

It’s the Tim Mooney Show!

Tim drops into the trailer on an especially rainy night.  While the compressor plays games with the rain noises, you can listen to the guys talk about comedy, aging, aging comedy, and the comedy of aging!  Tim went to Seattle, they talk about a bunch of movies and television, the nature of silence, touring (of course), AD&D, pop culture questions, and more!

And we get a visit from Brock, this show’s Dean Martin!  His band Lumberjack is finally dropping their album Bring It On Home onto streaming services at the beginning of 2019!

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Dec 23: Christmas Eve-eve Celebration of Barrel-Aged Beers at The Beer Mongers
Dec 24: Christmas Eve Bottle Pours at The Beer Mongers
Jan. 8: Bowie Birthday Ride

CALL FOR ENTRIES! Submit your film by January 20 to be part of the collection
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Hood River, OR – February 12
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4

From Chris R: “Bike rack, check. Wave bike rack…yuck. lift your bike up to the rack…? Huh? Interesting. Castle Rock, Colorado.”

From Josh G: “Selling my triplet bike. This bike is not easy to captain, and I don’t want to sell it to just anyone, but $$$ are not my goal.  26″.  Functions fine, as you know! Will fit a wide range of heights. Is exactly 10 feet long. Rear wheel is replaced with a very nice heavy duty downhill one.  I would like $50 (that’s $16.66 per rider!)”

From Tim Mooney: I want to do a six-part podcast series on this.

From Josh from Bike Initiative Keweenaw: content over ads!  a new donor.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw

E443 – “Fast” Riding on the West Side

note: this episode features a single microphone due to logistical difficulties.  we apologize for the audio quality, but we will return to our usual microphones soon!

Naomi Fast lives on the west side of the Portland metropolitan area, and is an advocate for bicycling options in a community that isn’t always tailored to safety for human-powered options.  She talks about getting started on a no-car lifestyle, getting into and out of the suburbs, advocacy, and those little pass-though links you can discover in a gnarled web of cul-de-sacs.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

Dec 15: Group Ride to Bike Craft
Dec.15 and16 Bike Craft
Jan. 8: Bowie Birthday Ride

CALL FOR ENTRIES! Submit your film by January 20 to be part of the collection
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Hood River, OR – February 12
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4

From the slate.com: Minneapolis Confronts Its History of Housing Segregation

From chi.streetsblog.org: How Can Biking Stay Joyful in the Midst of Winter?

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E442 – Madi Celebrates Her Bike’s Birthday

Madi Carlson returns to the studio to talk about her bike’s birthday, going camping by bike, bikes & dogs, and riding with the family.  It’s always a pleasure to have her join us! Check out her blog at familyride.us, and her column at BikePortland.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

Nov. 27: Bike to Winter Woderland “Bike the Lights”
Nov. 29: Brompton Storytime (Minneapolis)
Dec. 2: Reed Ravine Ramble
Dec 9: Kimmy Cross Alleycross Race
Dec.15 and16 Bike Craft
Jan. 8: Bowie Birthday Ride

CALL FOR ENTRIES! Submit your film by January 20 to be part of the collection
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Hood River, OR – February 12
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4

Josh G proves he knows MSP: “Wedge & linden hills bike rack MSP! Locked up there 5days a week for 5 years.”

A tweet from Sebastein Poole: “Great story about Ms Hamilton and I’m looking forward to the book. Mr. Cowboy, did you know a woman did ride in the Giro d’Italia?  Alphonsina Strada.”

Kevin F. in Texas: keep old electronics running!

Mr. T is back! (though he never left)  Thanks for the nice words.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale

E441 – Bike Craft 2018!

Bike Craft is Portland’s holiday market for people on bikes and those who love them!  Joe Biel & Brian come by to fill us in on this year’s event.  More info at bikecraftpdx.com

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

Nov. 27: Bike to Winter Woderland “Bike the Lights”
Nov. 29: Brompton Storytime (Minneapolis)
Dec. 2: Reed Ravine Ramble
Dec 9: Kimmy Cross Alleycross Race
Dec.15 and16 Bike Craft
Jan. 8: Bowie Birthday Ride

Hood River, OR – December 7
Bendigo, Australia – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 17
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Arcata, CA – March 15

Headlines & Mail
unrecorded this week due to building security! coming next show.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan SmithShadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard WezenskyTim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave KnowsChris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian KarabaicPaula Funatake, Spartan Dale