E459 – Everything You Need To Know About Public Comment on Freeway Expansion, With Aaron Brown

(check back on website for show notes later today – posting quickly to get the info to you as soon as possible!)

Aaron Brown visits the studio to explain the public comment opportunity on the proposed freeway expansion project in Portland.  If you are local, engagement is a fine opportunity to express your opinion.

E458 – The Unipiper Keeps It Weird

It’s been about 5 years since we checked in with Brian Kidd, better known in Portland and on the internet as The Unipiper!  He’s just launched a nonprofit organization, Weird Portland United to foster and support the kind of homegrown weird stuff that Portland, Oregon has long been known for.  Listen in to our chat with this local legend and get inspired to celebrate the unique in your own life! Visit weirdportlandunited.org

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.


Every 2nd and 4th Monday 10:30am from now through March at Clever Cycles: Storytime with Kidical Mass
2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

Also March 18: National Transit Drivers’ Day
March 28: From doctor something, another debut of a transit center song! Thursday 9pm at Kellys Olympian
April 2 Bikes of Wrath @ Regal Fox Tower Stadium 6:30PM
April 13th in Portland Ladds 500
May 15th: The Santa Cruz CA Ride of Silence (in memory of friends and loved ones killed by cars while riding bikes. Meets at Abbot Square for a 6:30PM Departure, Greg encourages listeners to seek out Ride of Silence events in your town.
May 17-19th Filmed by Bike in beautiful Portland, Oregon!
May 26: P-town Throwdown 2019: Daddies board shop

Ithica, NY – March 28
Victor, ID – May 17
Champaign-Urbana, IL – May 29
Crested Butte, CO – June 27
Dallas, TX – June 29
Detroit, MI – July 12
Missoula, MT – Sept 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4
Akron, OH – November 3

Miles of Portraits
🌵 Apr 04 Paradise Valley, AZ
🏜 Apr 09 Tucson, AZ
☀️ May 04 Santa Fe, NM
🌅 May 11 Albuquerque, NM


Get Supple with Pathless Pedaled – patches & stickers in!

Biketown implements fee for improperly locked cycles

Because we missed it: New bus route from NE to NW started March 3rd

From Wayne Norman in California: Miles of Portraits

From Nation (@yar2084 on twitter): “You guys need more “Aaron and Guthrie shoot the shit” episodes! :)”

From Eamonn K.: “Just listening to your episode on Steel skatepark while driving back from Sandy when I passed (I think) Brock on Halsey. Portland is a small world.”

From Andy K.: “Finally got around to seeing “This Girl is Badass.” One of the worst movies ever made, an hour too long, and not even the funny parts came remotely close to redeeming it. If it were made later I’d call it a really bad ripoff of “Premium Rush.””

A thank you to a long time supporter for a generous donation!

And to all listeners and supporters for tuning in

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw, Sarah G

E457 – Rice Cooker Redux REBROADCAST

We fold in two episodes from earlier in the feed from Tad Hara and his friends from Team Japan.  In 2016 they competed in the Disaster Relief Trials alongside Team Sprocket Podcast.  In 2017 they returned to host the Rice Cooker Ride in which they demonstrated simple food preparation as a practical disaster response skill using a traditional Japanese wood-fired rice cooker. And in 2018 Tad brought more friends back into the studio, which is what we start this collection with.

Keep your ears tuned for Tad’s documentary project.  He and a friend returned to Portland this weekend to film subjects for a film about the bicycle lifestyle!  Aaron & Guthrie made sure to connect him with many special people, many of which you may already know.

See you back in the studio next week!

E456 – New [skate park] Who Dis?

Catherine Odell – Saturday Market Artist
Ryan Hashagen – Better Block PDX, Portland Pedicabs
Cory Poole – NW Skate Coalition

As always, thanks to our drink ponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

Every 2nd and 4th Monday 10:30am from now through March at Clever Cycles: Storytime with Kidical Mass
2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

Feb. 16 Slough Country Ramble
March 2: Not-So-Noisy Bike Ride
March 9 Dead Freeways Ride
March 16: Trashed: A Bicycle Exploration of Illegal Dumping Sites in Indianapolis
March 17-19th Filmed by Bike in beautiful Portland, Oregon!
March 18: Four by 3000
Also March 18: National Transit Drivers’ Day
March 28: From Dr. Something, another debut of a transit center song! Thursday 9pm at Kellys Olympian
April 2 Bikes of Wrath @ Regal Fox Tower Stadium 6:30PM – https://tickets.demand.film/event/7005
April 13th The Ladds 500
May 26: P-town Throwdown 2019

Idaho Falls, ID – March 14
Arcata, CA – March 15
Rexburg, ID – March 21
Bozeman, – MT March 22
Ithica, NY – March 28
Victor, ID – May 17
Champaign-Urbana, IL – May 29
Crested Butte, CO – June 27
Dallas, TX – June 29
Detroit, MI – July 12
Missoula, MT – Sept 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4
Akron, OH – November 3

The Miles of Portraits team will be taking the Tour de REI to the Southwest. We’ll ride our bikes almost 2,000 miles from LA to Santa Fe, NM, stopping at REIs along the way to share our story.
🌞 Mar 12 Arcadia, CA
🌊 Mar 15 Santa Monica, CA
🌵 Apr 04 Paradise Valley, AZ
🏜 Apr 09 Tucson, AZ
☀️ May 04 Santa Fe, NM
🌅 May 11 Albuquerque, NM

From bikeportland.org: Oregon Congressman Blumenauer seeks to re-instate bike commuter tax break

From Adventure Cyclist Magazine: The Ups and Downs of Touring with Type I

From a mysterious number: “A Pocket Guide to Pavement

A tweet from @pathlesspedaled has aaron thinking about equipment, and perception
“Every other day I get a comment on my poor equipment choices because nothing I’ve used has ever won the Tour (flat pedals, long sleeve shirts, wide drop bars, 650betc.,). What kind of weird activity is cycling that THAT is the most important metric?”

Here’s what our friends think happened when aaron had a donut:
-Tim Mooney: My answer comes in two parts (1) a GIF and (2) a lyric from the 1990 classic by Bel Biv Devoe. “Boy, I must waaaaarn yoooooou….” And yes, you should sing it.
-Betsy M. in OK: You guys burn up enough calories with your awesome bicycle lifestyle to be able to eat anything you want in any quantity you want. (Mama likes to see her babies eat).
-Eric Wiesz: It’s a donut! How could it not go swimmingly, especially on Mardi Gras! 📿🎉
-@thelordflores (Ben Flores): Minutes of fun. Hours of drag.
-@uncle3418 (Dan Flores): I think it went straight to your hips. 😂
-@wendyzworld (Wendy, trail snacker, dirt dawdler): Tastes great but then it feels like a brick in your belly?
-@tntmoriv (Mr. T): #glazedolfashioned Best. Donut. Ever.
-@beth.hamon.36 (you all should know Beth Hamon): I think they needed a spatula to get you off the ceiling.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw, Sarah G

E455 – Alison & Jimmy’s Adventure

Alison & Jimmy took a couple of bike trips across the country.  You know, no big deal.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

Every 2nd and 4th Monday 10:30am from now through March at Clever Cycles: Storytime with Kidical Mass
2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

Feb. 16 Slough Country Ramble
March 2: Not-So-Noisy Bike Ride
March 9 Dead Freeways Ride
March 16: Trashed: A Bicycle Exploration of Illegal Dumping Sites in Indianapolis
March 18: Four by 3000
March 28: From doctor something, another debut of a transit center song! Thursday 9pm at Kellys Olympian
April 2 Bikes of Wrath @ Regal Fox Tower Stadium (tba)

Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4

From Bikeportland: Influential Portland Planning Commission seeks three new members
check out the full description and call for new members here.

From the slate.com: Portland, Oregon, Says a New Highway Expansion Will Be Better for the Environment

From Keith in the 19th State: cold clothes & GentleFolks

Another voicemail from Patty and Andrew

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw, Sarah G

E454 – Doug Walsh, “Tailwinds Past Florence”

Doug Walsh joins us to explain why the last thing the world needs is another travel memoir, and why he didn’t write one.  Doug authored Tailwinds Past Florence, a fresh take on a bicycle travel story.

Every 2nd and 4th Monday 10:30am from now through March at Clever Cycles: Storytime with Kidical Mass
2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
Feb. 16 Slough Country Ramble
March 2: Not-So-Noisy Bike Ride
March 9 Dead Freeways Ride
March 18: Four by 3000
March 28: From doctor something, another debut of a transit center song! Thursday 9pm at Kellys Olympian
April 2 Bikes of Wrath @ Regal Fox Tower Stadium (tba)

Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4

From Curbed, Wash. DC, via Tim Mooney: D.C. moves to keep cars, including Ubers and delivery trucks, out of bike lanes

From the Oregonian: Orange is the new bus: TriMet goes retro with new bus colors

First, Tour Update from Patty and Andrew

From Keith in Indy

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne NormanEric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard WezenskyTim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave KnowsChris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian KarabaicPaula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw, Sarah G

E453 – The Open Road with Greg & Emily (full gameplay)

Emily & Greg could have spent Valentine’s Day anywhere, but they chose to spend it with us playing a bicycle touring themed board game!  The Open Road is a fantastically good time, and we’re including the entire gameplay in this week’s episode because it was just that much fun.  Guthrie’s love for bananas and Aaron’s whole 30 obsession both make appearances, along with much more.

The Open Road!  Buy your copy here!
The Open Road! Buy your copy here!

We got comments on Bridgeliner’s video (Facebook link if you haven’t seen it yet):
Josh G sezNE Bridgeton never looked so cinematic

From Dancing Moose Cycle Adv. SuppliesA cool wee snippet guys! Loving your podcasts all the way down here in Rotorua New Zealand!

From the Pedalshift ProjectLook at you guys rockin the slo mo!

From Joyce WilsonA surreal experience if, like me, you don’t get the sound of the video but instead the mysterious Christian radio station which always seems to be playing at very low volume on my computer (I only notice it when I’m trying to get sound from something I can’t get sound from and turn the volume way up). (Joyce W. also enjoyed our interview with the SprockettesAnd this is why I didn’t snooze you even though you mentioned whole30.)

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw, Sarah G

E452 – New Old Talk with Shawn Granton

Shawn Granton is a well known icon of Portland retro-cycling and urban adventure, and joins us to talk about his recent trip to San Francisco, his approach to cartooning with his panel New Old Stock, and vintage 3-speed bicycles.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

Feb. 16 Slough Country Ramble
March 9 Dead Freeways Ride

Hood River, OR – February 12
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4


In love with cycling, Carolyn Jen now wants to bring more women along for the ride by Ashley Baker via Bikeportland.org

In surprise change, ODOT will extend I-5 Rose Quarter comment period to 45 days via bikeportland.org

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw, Sarah G

E451 – The Sprockettes!

Angie, Ryn & Meg are part of The Sprockettes, a dance troupe whose dance partners are bicycles, and have been a part of Portland’s bicycle scene for years.  In addition to clearing up the question of whether we know them or not, we find out what their approach to their performances is, notable moments in their experience bringing bicycle dance to the world, and what it’s like to teach routines to kids at their summer camps.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

Feb. 1 Kidical Mass Planning Meeting
Feb. 16 Slough Country Ramble
March 9 Dead Freeways Ride

Hood River, OR – February 12
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4


What it’s like to bike @ 20 Below Via Citylab.com

Crater Lake, Dufur, and Independence star in 21st annual Cycle Oregon rides . Via Bikeportland.org

An audio postcard from Chris Rawson in Denver!

The Sadness of the Beard – courtesy of David Robinson.

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw, Sarah G

E450 – Aaron & Guthrie Catch Up

Aaron & Guthrie get together in the studio to talk about the future.  Y’know, jetpacks and stuff.

As always, thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers & our generous Patreon donors.

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also, 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Also, Also, 2nd Friday of Every Month East Bay Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

Feb. 1 Kidical Mass Planning Meeting
Feb. 16 Slough Country Ramble

CALL FOR ENTRIES! Submit your film by January 20 to be part of the collection
Boise, ID – January 18
Los Angeles, CA – January 27
Hood River, OR – February 12
Arcata, CA – March 15
Bendigo, Australia – October 4

Date: Wed, Feb 20, 2019 6:30PM
Where: Regal Fox Tower Stadium 10
846 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR, 97205, United States
General Admission: $11.95
Additional booking fee of $1.75 per ticket.
(Includes all applicable taxes)
4 wheelchair space(s) available.

Citylab: Another Study Blames Uber and Lyft for Public Transit’s Decline

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Ethan Georgi, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Andre Johnson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall, Lillian Karabaic, Paula Funatake, Spartan Dale, Bike Initiative Keweenaw, Sarah G.