Category Archives: Alternate Fuels

E055 – Alex Roth: The Pepper Peddler

This week we’re privileged to interview Alex Roth, founder of a Davis, CA based business that roasts and distributes coffee around a bicycle-based infrastructure.  Learn more at We discuss: misconceptions about The Pepper Peddler, roasting peppers, inspired by Burlingame Pizza, Davis mayor names the unofficial coffee of the city, Trek in the Park, he’s like a drug dealer, Four Loko drives regulation, HUB’s 7-Grain Coffee Infused Stout, the roasting setup with cycle mechanism and propane heat, business flux, roasting as a team and the Post-Roast Toast, delivery and pre-sales, coffee politics and economics, the “milkman” model of delivery, the kids that deliver the coffee and the fleet of bikes, rain pay (!), coffee origins and fair trade/organics, regional taste, describing flavors shouldn’t cause insecurity, a rough sketch of coffee economy, local food sources, seasonal orders, the special dark roast, the roaster’s blend, Fox 40 news spot, and lastly Alex’s bands The Mad Cow String Band and the West Nile Ramblers.

from David Heddy: “Very important discovery today…Brandon has talked about this several times.”

from Logan: “Whoah! Big news! Alan and Michael are closing up shop at EcoVelo! ‘Times they are achangin‘’ to quote Bob Dylan.” (we also mention this atrocious song from Dylan’s xmas project)

from Radimar: Portland is near the top of the list of Cities With Strangest People. True.

From StreetBooks: a book drive happening December 15th in Portland

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email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E049 – Ethan Seltzer: Pedal Power

We (finally) complete a successful interview with Ethan Seltzer of Pedal Power, the advocacy organization that educates on energy use while keeping it positive and lighthearted.  We also cover some news and describe our Halloween party from the night previous.

We discuss: educate in a fun and non-overbearing way, generating electricity by bicycle, a visceral experience of energy production, common household appliances and how much power they use (fact sheet), the Pedal Power event, power producing bike trainerLots of people making power, PF Changs cooking lunch100% off the grid mobile phone charging station and one more, funding! (

Lifehacker: add turn signals to your bicycle for less than $40
Gizmag via Ethan: a virginia bike mechanic makes house calls with a mobile shop
BikePortland: meet Dezy Walls, the “Piano Bike Kid!”
The Southland Times via BikePortland: a steampunk Kiwi creates a coal-powered bike
WLBZ via Anomalily: Maine emergency workers train first responders on bicycles

Listener Tony recommends this speech given by Patrick Field – “Cycling is a (very fun) political process” – from the IQ2 Cycling festival.

“av3ry” comments on e48: “Love the podcast!  Back in the day, I used to be on LiveJournal a lot, and I followed Jeff’s Photography over there.  I haven’t really used LJ much over the past few years, so I lost track.  Then the whole thing with MAX FAQs happened, and I was re-introduced to him.  His transit comments are hilarious and spot-on, and his blogs are great as well.  He’s definitely one of my favorites on twitter!”

Carl from Animaheim: “The scene: On my bike commute in heavy traffic, a Chevy astro van; mom driving, a teenage kid riding shot gun yells some unintelligible crap. (sounded negative) Unlike my usual response to that kind of situation, I was like “best day ever!” trying my best not to be pissed. Although I was anyway.  I could not help myself,  after a momentary pause I yelled “Ass Hole” after they passed of course. But as luck would have it, an old man (windows rolled down) took the intentional brunt. I felt like a Dick, but only for a second… GOOD TIMES! Need to ask Dr. Jeff what he recommends. So head phones will be in full time from now on when I am in the street. A great tune for urban commuting is ” Tomahawk” by Adam K and BT. On iTunes.”

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email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E042 – Ethan Seltzer: Micro-Episode

Ethan Seltzer of Pedal Power was kind enough to join us for an episode.  Unfortunately, the laptop we were recording the episode on gave out 5 minutes before the break and dumped all of our recorded content.  We captured eleven minutes of our conversation thereafter to share with you, and we are planning on upgrading to a newer machine to avoid this kind of problem in the future.  Thanks to Ethan for being a good sport about it – we were a bit disappointed as well!  We’re looking forward to another episode with him in the near future.  Until then, cheers, and we’ll hopefully see you next week.

E040 – Jonathan Maus: BikePortland

This week we speak to Jonathan Maus of about his locally focused bicycle news service.  We discuss: getting to Portland, getting bit by the bicycle bug, 12 year old completes a century, Santa Barbara mountain biking, BikePortland is six years old!, moderating a forum for people with so many differing opinions, the spectrum of cyclists & creating a “big tent” for all kinds of people, activism and journalism coming together, myths about bicycle infrastructure, a bird’s-eye view of the many subcultures in the bicycling world, language as it relates to media and perception, a favorite/ least favorite place to bicycle in town.

We hear from listener Carl about the “crazy vegan expresso” tour in Europe, listener Patrick who named his band after a bus route, and Amos from Bike Temple who is on tour to Vancouver BC and thwarted a dog attack.

New York Times: Portland installs electric vehicle charging stations powered by solar panels
EcoVelo via Logan: 2008 Active Transportation report shows many benefits in depth
Brandon Rhodes: Apocalypse Puppet Theater operates a bicycle-towed stagecoach
BikePortland: ODOT plans to bridge a trail gap in the Columbia River Gorge
Urban Adonia via BikePortland: stripped Toyota chassis becomes a 7-person recumbent bicycle

the fabulous Portland-based Hillstomp presents their unique blend of buckets-and-cans-blues on their latest release Darker The NIght and this week’s featured song, “Cardiac Arrest in D.”

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email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)

E038 – Lance Poehler: Edible Cycles

We sit down with Lance Poehler of Edible Cycles this week for our first live show since before the summer.  We discuss:  pedalpalooza rides, bamboo trailers, touring to San Francisco, Edible Cycles, USB converters and dyno hubs, volunteer work with the Lloyd TMA, Benson High School pedestrian problems, building a bike corrall, and more.

Also: We didn’t forget about the survey – someone gets $10!, Thanks Logan for another donation (Wrench Raiders got their trike!), Listener Carl shares a Woody Guthrie documentary with us on our facebook page.

EcoVelo via Loagan: The Commuting Paradox (long commutes cancel out the benefits of suburbia)
BikePortland: Tori Bortman tells how to optimize your ride for long haul touring
PathLessPedaled: Dan Price is the Tallest Hobbit I Know
StreetsBlog via BikePortland: SF appoints a transit director who actually uses the system(Ed Reiskin)
GreenGarbageProject: if you don’t like toothpaste’s packaging, you can make your own

“Keeping It Quiet” by Mnemonic Sounds from their 2010 release “Muscle Memories.”  they are playing MusicFest Northwest on September 8th at 8pm, opening for Little Dragon and Unknown Mortal Orchestra at the Hawthorne Theater!

Brandon drinks the Lagunitas Imperial Stout, Lance drinks the Total Domination from Ninkasi, and Brock drinks a can of PBR that Brandon found floating in the river.

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email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)




E019 – Michael Parziale: Grease Not Gas

Mike Parziale of Portland, Oregon’s Greasebus as well as shares about his lifestyle of alternate fuels!

We discuss: fire lookouts, dynamically employed, “the cup floweth over,” two cans ofStack – never again!, little hats, Louis’ gardening update for March, bicycle realtor, Gizmodo: texting teens, Denver Post via BikePortland: coffee cart on a cargo bike, Somerville Patch via BikePortland: compost by bike, transit, or foot, “night soil,” Toddler on Tour, what is Greasebus?, “smells like french fries, not cancer,” having an office, “I wanted a ski pass,” Hood River route vs. “Govie” route,automatic chains, various cities, carpooling effort, full buses, no more charters, downtown douche buses, plush accomodations, free Mate, cheaper than the other options, real world solutions, conversions, stuff in the grease, “heatant,” crossing the country 17 times, “training wheels” program, living the dream, getting your grease the right way, core samples, rendering and the “giant smoothie of death,” mad cow noises, who pays how much?, environmentalism and grease and being broke, rad camper, ethanol vs. methanol, spreadsheet on the wall, oil is unavoidable sometimes,, converting is easier than making biodiesel, 4 billion gallons, limited supply = upcycle, being on MTV, put a leaf on it!

we once again enjoy the Hopworks Brewery Secession Cascadian Dark Ale.

Number One Rival” from Portland Oregon’s Tango Alpha Tango off of their 2011 releaseDead Wrong.
Tango Alpha Tango - Tango Alpha Tango 

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email us:
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)