E413 – Michael Anderson on Residential Infill!

Aaron takes on Saltzman for the first time this year, Guthrie is recovering from a back injury and… Michael Andersen!  Our friend who hasn’t been on the show in a while talks residential Infill, and how we can do better in Portland for equitable access to housing.  Check out his writing for Portland For Everyone, a great coalition of organizations, individuals and businesses working toward this goal.

Also thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers for generously providing our libations, and our generous Patreon donors for underwriting our operating costs!

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party

Last friday of every moth: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride
May 16: SANTA CRUZ, CA RIDE OF SILENCE (from ride leader Gregory Braithwaite)
May 17: Ohmydollar book release!
May 19: DC Bike Ride
May 19: The Pogues Run Relay in Indianapolis
June 2: Gifford Gravel 50 ( Ride With GPS route )
June 2: Weiser River Ride
June 3: Blessing of the Bikes (more details in mail)
June 5: MT. Tabor Stair Carry
June 16: Rivelo Third Anniversary Wing Ding. BBQ, beverages. Deets to follow.12PM
June 23: Petal Pedal*
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA

Albany, NY – July 22, 2018
Seattle, WA, Vancouver, WA – TBD
Arcata, CA – November, 2018
Bendigo, Australia – October, 2018


From streetsblog: Study Links Rise of SUVs to the Pedestrian Safety Crisis

From Eammon in PDX: “I was one of the people who recognized you at Filmed By Bike!”

From Darren S. in Australia: “My mother’s been there, done that and got the magnet…”

TXT from Ranger Tom: 

From Chris R.: I was doing a short climb…and the crank arm broke off. Original crank from 1995. Shimano. This is my first serious injury since returning to riding. Yes.. aluminum cuts nicely.  Just thought I would share the real dangers of riding old bikes. 😁

From Ivar: “You were pretty much spot on with your analysis of what I was trying to say.”

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Doug Robertson, Ethan Georgi, Justin Martin, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Christi Caister, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Jon Wasserman, Andre Johnson, Josh Zisson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Mr. T, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall

E412 – Heidi & Columbia Gorge Car Free!

Heidi Beierle is one of the people behind the website columbiagorgecarfree.com, a resource for people who would like to explore on of Oregon’s most beautiful regions by simpler transport.  Bicycling and the newest incarnation of the Columbia Gorge Express bus are two ways to expand one’s reach into a beautiful adventure.

Also thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers for generously providing our libations, and our generous Patreon donors for underwriting our operating costs!

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Last friday of every moth: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

May 12: “Mashley” Scavenger Hunt Ride
May 16: SANTA CRUZ, CA RIDE OF SILENCE (from ride leader Gregory Braithwaite)
May 17: Ohmydollar book release!
May 19: DC Bike Ride
May 19: The Pogues Run Relay in Indianapolis
June 2: Gifford Gravel 50 ( Ride With GPS route )
June 2: Weiser River Ride
June 5: MT. Tabor Stair Carry
June 16: Rivelo Third Anniversary Wing Ding. BBQ, beverages. Deets to follow.12PM
June 23: Petal Pedal*
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA

Albany, NY – July 22, 2018
Seattle, WA, Vancouver, WA – TBD
Arcata, CA – November, 2018
Bendigo, Australia – October, 2018

From biketownpdx.com: RIDE FREE IN MAY!

From trimet.org: We’re going electric!

From bikeportland.org: A 30 year-old vision for a carfree Historic Columbia River Highway

From listener Keith Hutchinson: stoked on D&D & Pogues Run!

From Chris on E408: “Hey! I reffed roller derby with Jimmy something like two lifetimes ago at a tournament. What a small world.”

From Jason S: first ride of spring is utilitarian!

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Doug Robertson, Ethan Georgi, Justin Martin, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Christi Caister, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Jon Wasserman, Andre Johnson, Josh Zisson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Mr. T, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall

E411 – Madi Carlson Gets Her Own Show

Friend-of-the-show Madi Carlson returns, this time as the marquee attraction!  We speak more about her move to Portland and Portlandy things.  People are so friendly here!

Also thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers for generously providing our libations, and our generous Patreon donors for underwriting our operating costs!

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Last Friday of every moth: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

May 4-6th: Filmed By Bike in PDX!
May 5th: Grilled by Bike Cinco de Mayo – from Iverson
May 12: “Mashley” Scavenger Hunt Ride
May 16: SANTA CRUZ, CA RIDE OF SILENCE (from ride leader Gregory Braithwaite)
May 17: Ohmydollar book release!
May 19: DC Bike Ride
June 2: Gifford Gravel 50 ( Ride With GPS route )
June 2: Weiser River Ride
June 16: Rivelo Third Anniversary Wing Ding. BBQ, beverages. Deets to follow.12PM
June 23: Petal Pedal*
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA

May 4-6th: Filmed By Bike in PDX!
Albany, NY – July 22, 2018
Seattle, WA, Vancouver, WA – TBD
Arcata, CA – November, 2018
Bendigo, Australia – October, 2018

From medium.com
Portland’s residential infill projects still have major flaws, housing advocates say (by Michael Andersen)

BikePortland: A “Bike Fun Library” is in the works, just in time for Pedalpalooza

From Listener Ivar Vicenzoni, some sad details on traffic fatalities

From listener Jason S.: World’s first chopper with an adjustable ride height

From Executive Producer Brock Dittus: #humblebrag

From listener Jeremy Mendelson:

From Ethan Georgi: rad Ladds & spooky diswashing coincidence

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Doug Robertson, Ethan Georgi, Justin Martin, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Christi Caister, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Jon Wasserman, Andre Johnson, Josh Zisson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Mr. T, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall

E410 – Oregon Coast Railriders

Oregon Coast Railriders, the adventure on the Oregon coast that lets you ride the rails by pedal power, is about to open for their 2018 season.  Guthrie went out last year to see what’s up – how does it work, and what is it like?

Join OC Railriders starting May 19, 2018 in Bay City, Oregon.  Bike there over the weekend and camp at Cape Lookout State Park afterward, or catch the Wave transit bus from Portland, or drive out if you have access to a car.

Also consider a visit to their new project Vance Creek Railriders in Shelton, Washington, or Joseph Branch Railriders in Joseph, Oregon!

E409 – Solo Una Noche by Eric Wahlstrom

Eric Wahlstrom listens to our show, and created a new card game themed around Luchadore wrestling called Solo Una Noche!  We discuss the concept, how gameplay works, and then Aaron takes on the master at his own game!  Follow progress towards the game becoming available to the public, sign up for updates, and contribute to the crowdfunding campaign, at cabin21games.com!  Thanks for tuning in to Gaming Week on the Sprocket Podcast.

Also, Brock references a weekend camping trip, a 54 mile ride, and another little game known as Bros Icing Bros (it’s a real thing).

E408 – Bikes & Dungeons & Dragons with Jimmy

Jimmy plays Dungeons & Dragons!  It’s a great way to create inclusive fun that keeps you busy and happy with like-minded people.  He’s also a bikey coworker of Aaron’s.  We dig in!

Also thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers for generously providing our libations, and our generous Patreon donors for underwriting our operating costs!

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Last friday of every month: Baltimore Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

April 21: Randi Jo Fabrications Trunk Show (from Rivelo PDX)
April 28: Grant Petersen at Rivelo
April 29: Monster Cookie Metric Century
April 29: Yakima Valley Fondo (from Pete D in Yakima)
May 4-6th: Filmed By Bike in PDX!
May 5th: Grilled by Bike Cinco de Mayo – from Iverson
May 12: “Mashley” Scavenger Hunt Ride
May 16: SANTA CRUZ, CA RIDE OF SILENCE (from ride leader Gregory Braithwaite)
May 17: Ohmydollar book release!
May 19: DC Bike Ride
June 2: Gifford Gravel 50 ( Ride With GPS route )
June 2: Weiser River Ride
June 16: Rivelo Third Anniversary Wing Ding. BBQ, beverages. Deets to follow.12PM
June 23: Petal Pedal*
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA

May 4-6th: Filmed By Bike in PDX!
Albany, NY – July 22, 2018
Seattle, WA – TBD
Vancouver, WA – TBD
Arcata, CA – November, 2018
Bendigo, Australia – October, 2018

Surly: Nerd, Please…

BikePortland: Aaron Brown Guest post: Candidly, TriMet (part one)

Travel Oregon Competetive Medium Grants now Open

From Listener Gregory in Santa Cruz

From Lex & Corvidae

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Doug Robertson, Ethan Georgi, Justin Martin, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Christi Caister, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Jon Wasserman, Andre Johnson, Josh Zisson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Mr. T, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall

E407 – No More Freeways with Aaron Brown

Aaron Brown joins us in studio to talk NoMoreFreewaysPDX, an effort he leads to impact policymakers’ decisions through groundswell activism & advocacy for the better good of our communities here in Portland, Oregon.  Is a freeway expansion really a good idea? (hint: it’s not) Is congestion pricing really all that difficult or burdensome? (hint: it’s probably not) Aaron breaks it down for us.

Also thanks to our drink sponsor The Beer Mongers for generously providing our libations, and our generous Patreon donors for underwriting our operating costs!

2nd Thursday of every month Joyful Rider’s Club in Minneapolis
2nd Friday of Every Month Boston Bike Party
Also 2nd friday of Every Month Indianapolis Bike Party
Every 2nd Sunday of every month in PDX: Corvidae Bike Club Ride

April 21: Randi Jo Fabrications Trunk Show (from Rivelo PDX)
April 28: Grant Petersen at Rivelo
April 29: Monster Cookie Metric Century
April 29: Yakima Valley Fondo (from Pete D in Yakima)
May 4-6th: Filmed By Bike in PDX!
May 5th: Grilled by Bike Cinco de Mayo – from Iverson
May 12: “Mashley” Scavenger Hunt Ride
May 16: SANTA CRUZ, CA RIDE OF SILENCE (from ride leader Gregory Braithwaite)
May 17: Ohmydollar book release!
May 19: DC Bike Ride
June 2: Gifford Gravel 50 ( Ride With GPS route )
June 2: Weiser River Ride
June 16: Rivelo Third Anniversary Wing Ding. BBQ, beverages. Deets to follow.12PM
June 23: Petal Pedal*
August 19: Portland Century
Sept 2: Tour de Lab*
Sept 8-9: Bike MS150
Sept. 22: Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race Lowell, MA

May 4-6th: Filmed By Bike in PDX!
Albany, NY – July 22, 2018
Seattle, WA – TBD
Vancouver, WA – TBD
Arcata, CA – November, 2018
Bendigo, Australia – October, 2018

Women Who Dare: There’s a new podcast in town!

TriMet: The virtual Hop card for Android is available now!

Bill C – Maybe the “Motorless City” or simply the “Wheeled City” or the “Winged Wheel City” for all the hockey fans!

Pete D in Wenatchee: photobomb!

Eric Iverson Left us another fine voicemail!

Fine Print
Produced at STREAM PDX thanks to Open Signal
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)
graphic design: Marcus Norman
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
phone/SMS: 503-847-9774
Twitter & instagram: @SprocketPodcast
Donate: Patreon (ongoing) or Square Cash (one-time)

Thanks to our sustaining donors for supporting our show costs:
Logan Smith, Shadowfoot, Kathrina Mellemgaard, Wayne Norman, Doug Robertson, Ethan Georgi, Justin Martin, Eric Iverson, Cameron Lien, Richard Wezensky, Tim Mooney, Glenn Kubish, Matt Kelly, Eric Weisz, Todd Parker, Dan Gebhart (who’s a time traveler), Dave Knows, Chris Smith, Christi Caister, Caleb Jenkinson, JP Kewley, Peanut Butter Jar Matt, Marco Lo, Rich Otterstrom, Andrew in Colorado, Drew the Welder, Anna, Jon Wasserman, Andre Johnson, Josh Zisson, Richard G, Guthrie Straw, Kampcite, Aaron Green, Mac Nurse David, Nathan Poulton, Chris Rawson, Rory in Michigan, Michael Flournoy, Jeremy Kitchen, David Belais, Tim Coleman, Mr. T, Harry Hugel, E.J. Finneran, Brad Hipwell, Thomas Skadow, Keith Hutchison, Ranger Tom, Joyce Wilson, Ryan Tam, Derek Waggoner, Jason Aufdenberg, Microcosm Publishing, David Moore, Todd Groesbeck, Chris Barron, Sean Baird, Simon, Gregory Braithwaite, Ryan Mauro, Jimmy Diesel, dudeluna, Matthew Rooks, Marshall

E406 – Ridealong: The Ladd’s 500, 2018

We bring you audio from this year’s edition of Ladd’s 500, a relay event hosted  in a traffic circle in southeast Portland, OR.  “It’s spring, let’s do something stupid.”

Team Sprocket Podcast took 12th place in about 5 hours.  Join the fun next year!