E152 – Emily Finch & Sarah Gilbert Ride To Astoria

Emily Finch is Portland’s most famous bicycling mom.

Sarah Gilbert is with Stealing Time magazine.

They both took a weekend trip to Astoria on bakfiets over the Labor Day holiday!

Aaron & Brock discuss a trip to Michigan, and getting into Hood River through the back door by bike.

if you like the show, nominate us at PodcastAwards.com during the month of October!

Former guest Sally from twitter wants to get back into biking.

Our friend Trent says “listening to the show with Dan Flores and laughing my ass off!”

JohnnyK found a boot patching kit on the internet.

Phoebe in Boston deals with helmets and hair.

Antonio shares a sweet randonneuring video.

Sandy Post: new bus service makes trip to Mt. Hood by transit bus possible!
All Aboard! via Brandon: Google helps Amtrak share real time train locations

Fine Print
email us: thesprocketpodcast@gmail.com
twitter: @SprocketPodcast
phone in or SMS: 503-847-9774
web: http://thesprocketpodcast.com
music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)