Category Archives: Vegan

E035 – Raw Vegan Fixie Tour

Adrian “The Vegan Cow” Stingaciu & Deanna Adams talk to us about their incredible Raw Vegan Fixie Tour!

We discuss: Ride the Divide, Surly’s Pugsley, snow riding, listener Carl in “Animalheim,”We Are Augustines, Super Vegan Cow & animal totem race identity, post-college experiences and the Ride Across America, 29 day trip to Costa Rica on a vegan diet, on the tail of Ride the Divide, travel in pairs for security and photography, no cargo, only raw foods to step up the challenge, no food drops, raw foods & nuts along the way, tapping into body fat, “dude, you look really bad,” sleeping in ditches and bus stops, relentless mosquitoes in the desert, “gassing myself out,” scary encounters while stealth camping,federales, confessions of traveling with a raw vegan, drinking Monster, “the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” breakdowns and pear cores, drug cartel worries, one set of clothes and no laundry, epilepsy, trouble with Montezuma’s revenge, American stomachs can’t handle bacteria, getting home after huge rainstorms, bicycles on slick surfaces and deep shoulders, deadlines, 700cm vs. 26in. wheels and tires, toll roads in Mexico, listen to theMexican Radio, Tyson Chicken plant and factory farming problems, Pacific NW nuclear plants, Deanna’s favorite beer

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music: Ryan J. Lane (intro & outro) & Hurtbird (headlines)